Friday 16 May 2008

Missed a day

OK so I have missed a day and there is no entry for the day before today. but in the long run will it make any difference?

I mean in a year or two or a century or two what's one missed day in my blog. Who is really going to care?

I know I cannot go back, now that its gone its gone for good, though I could try and make up for it by writing more on today's entry, but I don't think that is the way to balance my profit and loss columns on the blog.

What would Jack Kerouac have done on his blog?

Did he have a blog?

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Wednesday ...there is mystery in the air.

I have decided that these doubts about maintaining a daily blog are to be put to one side, and if the blog is to succeed it requires daily attention.

Though I would want to avoid spending too much time writing about the blog itself, I fear that if I don't it could become all consuming.

What a nightmare if the contents of the blog become the blog itself, a giant hole of a blog, dark and ravenous, relentlessly sucking at my capacity to feed it. Within a short space of time I could be broken shell of a blogger.

I don't want that to happen, so I will try and broaden its contents.

Wonder if I will win on the lottery today?

Tuesday 13 May 2008

Another day

Another day, but will it be as good as the first day on my blog?

The days are beginning to stack up, I have a feeling if I leave it for a week or two they will soon be in double figures.

Monday 12 May 2008

A new day a New Blog

The day began in the morning, not unusual, but sometimes the day had begun much later than this or worse still much earlier but on the wrong day altogether. It was really bad if it was the wrong week, but today that was not a problem, it began in the morning and the promise of the rest of the day lay before me.

I was going to make the most of it.

Tomorrow could take care of itself.